Saturday, December 6, 2008

Last Minute Holiday Photography Needs?

It is still not too late to book me for your holiday photography needs here in Austin, Texas and surrounding areas....Spicewood, Marble Falls, Burnet, Lakeway, Driftwood, Bee Creek ...

Give me a call and I will do my best to fit you in! For those holiday is not too late. Family portraits, candid event photography at your party! Call me at 512-809-2329 and we will get it scheduled!

Lori Ann

L A Scott Photography

Friday, November 14, 2008

Images and Words Photography Newsletter 11-14-08

Hi All! Guess what is playing 24 hours a day on 95.5??? Christmas music! Oh my!
I read something this week that really is quite special. It is a beautiful poem. Gene Wilder included it in his book call Kiss Me Like a Stranger. It is a memoir.
I have seen it before and came across it again in his book. After reading it I thought how pictures go with words. I went through my files and attached two pictures that I thought fit the words.

"After A While"

After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company does not always mean security.

And you learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes a head with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child and you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After awhile you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much. So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure,that you really are strong and you really do have worth.

and you learn and you learn with every good-bye you learn.

Veronica A. Shoffstall

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Holiday Photography Services

Hi all!

The holidays are approaching fast! Call me for your photography needs 512-809-2329! I do all types of photography including Christmas card photos and event photography. If you don't feel like toting a camera around at your special event or party, call me and I will take those candid images for you! This gives the host/hotess freedom to enjoy!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Product Photography--Still Life vs. Live Photography

Hi all! Another week is drawing to a close. Busy week! The election is over ... now we can concentrate on something else! My topic today is Still Life photography. While in Northern Vietnam I took the attached shot at a roadside stand. I love taking photos of natural beauty. I am sure when setting up shop they did not intend for the display to be eye catching but it did catch my eye. I took several shots like this one of goods for sale all over Northern Vietnam. Product photography in a sense. Product and website photography is creative. I enjoy doing it and have done quite a bit professionally. The subjects are quite "still" which is good but live subjects give me the advantage of catching animated expression. My style in the studio with live subjects as many of my clients to talk and make them feel at ease. Then I click away and capture personality. It is almost like you catch the twinkle in the subject's eye. Attached you will find one still life and one image of Sam Watkins that I believe shows personality. Check out his website for more pictures and give a listen to his music! It is worth your while! Love to all of you!LA:)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Owning a Business as a Woman....hmmmm

Hi all!

I am thinking of changing my name to Larry Ann or perhaps Larry Aron ...what do you all think? That way I would still be able to keep my domain

For all you women and men out there....what are your opinions on this. I was told awhile back by a man who owns a business that it is tough being a woman in business. I way...we have come a long way! Time will tell and it did !!

It all started when I did an artist's booth at a festival of 10,000 people. I traveled the world alone in the last couple of years to capture the images on my website and in my files. I stood in my booth for two days straight while a numer of people came through asking where Larry Scott was or the man who took the photos. I was taken back. At first I thought it was myimagination....but not after the upteenth time....wake up Lori Ann! Maybe they did not burn enough bras in the sixties....hmmmm

Just a musing on this election day Tuesday! Get out and vote everyone!


of L A Scott Photography!---

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Looking for a Place to Exhibit my Vietnam Series of Photography

Hi all!

As most of you know I went to Vietnam as the official photography for Good Samaritan Medical Ministry in July of 2008. It was a mission that took us to the Northern part of Vietnam giving medical aide. It was an incredible experience that Dr. Vien Doan heads up each year for the last nine years. Please check it out and donate if you can! Also, prayers are needed!

As a result of being the photographer I accumulated many many photos. There is a particular series that I call "The Hope" series that I am looking to exhibit in a gallery or otherwise. Some of the images I am featuring in "The Hope" series are featured on the banner for the home page of There is an incredible story to be told with the images. If anyone out there knows of an art gallery that would be interested please contact me. Please click on the link I gave to see examples of my work there.

Lori Ann

The Holidays are Approaching Fast!!

Hey Everyone! Clients, friends and family! Halloween is over! What fun it was!

The holidays are approaching and if you need pictures for your holiday cards or portraits to give as a gift call me now for a sitting! My prices are reasonable! I also photograph events ... think about it if you are the host/hostess the last thing you want to be doing is taking pictures. For an hourly rate I can do that for you and give those images to you on a CD after the event. I have done many events from weddings to birthday parties to an event with the governor. Candid shots are wonderful to have after an event. I am available during the holidays even on Christmas and Thanksgiving day! Remember L A Scott Photography for your photography needs!


Call me soon at 512-808-2329

Friday, October 31, 2008

Hi All! The beauty of being a photographer is hardly ever getting photographed myself! It gives me a certain amount of control....maybe passive aggressive ??? who knows. Anyhow, the attached photo was taken with me included with my camera but by somebody else. I recently discovered this photo while sorting through the entire lot of Vietnam photos...~~~2000 photos. This one resonates with me. I remember as a participant on this trip how I felt on the inside at times....on the inside looking out that is...but after looking at this photo I see from the outside looking in at myself and what was going on at the moment. The little guy in the photo was about my son's age and his parents were carrying him around on their backs because there were no means to have a wheelchair. I watched them carry him with so much love. He has cerebral palsy. I inquired and found out that I could sponsor a wheelchair and I did. His parents were so happy--the mom was tearful. We worked with a translator to in order to tell them about the wheelchair and that is when this photo was taken. I remember that instance of looking up at the translator while my eyes were welling with tears. I look at this photo now, all these months later, and the same tears come. Vietnam had a profound effect on me. I struggle a part of each day wishing I could do more. Lotsa love to all of you and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! LA:)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Bucket List !

Hi all!

How many of you out there actually have a bucket list! I do! I had one way before Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in "The Bucket List!" I started mine when I turned 40(that was just a little while ago--ya right like 7 years ago!) I include things I have already done and then add more that I want to do as I think of them! I am proud to say I have crossed off many of them.

Those include: a tattoo, started a business in photography services, sang in a recital 2 times and am about to do it again, trekked to Machu Picchu and took many photos, Trinidad/Tobago, Tuscany Italy, South Africa to Kruger National Park, took sculling lessons, took salsa lessons, went to Northern Vietnam on a medical mission , Ireland, China, South Vietnam, Belize Central America, ran a marathon in Arizona, bottom of the Grand Canyon on Mules, deep sea fishing in Mexico, and a helicopter ride inside a volcano in Hawaii.

Things I still want to do: sky dive, hot air balloon ride, play polo on horseback, sing with a band(just once), drive the entire length of route 66 in my 2005 Tunderbird, learn to fence with my son, and learn to tie flies and to fly fish. And, I want to raise a longhorn steer(hence the photo taken by me LA Scott Photography!

I think we all should have a bucket list. We only have one life to live and the bucket kicking thing is a reality! So let's take all the things that are filling up that bucket and dump them out---the bottles of beer, the couch potato arse, reality television and that gallon of ice cream! Let's empty it out and not worry about kicking it----just living it! Lori Ann Scott

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hi all! I am not going to be as long winded as last week.... I wanted to share some more of my work with you. As part of the medical mission I photographed .... if you click on this link you will see a banner of photos I took while in Vietnam for Good Samaritan's Ministry. I feel very fortunate to have been part of such an incredible mission. I hope to do more work in the mission field using my photography as a means of facilitating the need in the world~~ I am also attaching a picture from a wedding I photographed that was such a beautiful event! Congratulations Veronica and Billy! Love to all of you! Have a wonderful weekend! LA--

Monday, September 22, 2008

So Austin!

Hi friends, family and clients! We are so fortunate to live in such a diverse place as Austin. I was looking through my picture files looking for inspiration for today's newsletter and voila! I realized I have lots of images that are so Austin! Sometimes we forget how wonderful this place is to live until we step back and take a look...whether it is through a camera lens or with our own eyes~~~ Look at what I see!! Take a "look" around and see all there is to see!!! and have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Freezing Time With Photography[

Hi all!!!

I know I have talked alot about freezing time with my photography. This week fishing on the Pedernales River outside of Johnson City I could not help myself taking pictures. There was so much beauty to capture and "freeze" digitally.

The pictures I am attaching are prime examples of things I see that I am compelled to photograph so I always have that "moment" to relive.

The first is a sunset with the silhouette of two pretty intense fishermen....
The second I call a mom shot because it is a "moment" of my son Liam sweet...he won't be that little forever and you have to capture as much of those moments as possible....
A dog running with a stick---look at the water is amazing what the camera catches and freezes without my intentions...
My son Liam's fish---what a catch both by him and the camera!....
A wildflower along the river...
And, light coming through a barn door....naturally beautiful---if I were to take that picture 5 minutes later it would not be the same...

Go out and enjoy every "moment" you can!

Love to all of y'all!

Hi all!

Back on track this week!

Actually Friday the 13th has always been a good day for me! All days are great! Each one is a blessing in so many ways! So, don't let superstition keep you from enjoying today!

It has been a busy week! Started something new this week---sculling lessons down at Lady Bird Lake:) What a blast and what a workout. It is so beautiful to glide through the water on the sculling boats. It looks easier than it is! There is so much to coordinate to make it all work. One of the biggest things is looking over your shoulder to ensure that you don't hit anything...even the swans are at risk with me out there!

Also preparations for Vietnam are in full swing. Only three more weeks until the mission begins. Please pray for Good Samaritan Medical Ministry If you wish to donate please go to the website. Our dollars go a long way!

I have attached seven photographs today to illustrate the difference between black and white photography versus color. Sometimes black and white adds depth and sometimes it takes it away. There are clearly pictures that look best in one or the other and some images can be both. An example is the picture with the goat. I think the black and white makes the image look more third world than the color version. The cross on the tombstone takes on a more eery appearance in black and white than the color version. The door becomes extremely flat in black and white and looks more like an illustration. You decide for yourselves.... I love working in both.

I am working on a book of black and white portraits of Austin musicians and their biographies. They look best in black and white I believe...(attached is one of those)~~~

Love to all of you!

;) Watch out for me on Lady Bird Lake!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Reflections on Photography.....

Hi all!

Another wonderful week!

I have been in a reflective mode this week....these two photos were taken in Tobago this past summer in a small fishing village on Castara Bay. I stayed in the village the entire time and spent big parts of my day walking the beach.

The boats they use to fish are very primitive with nets and oars. They are so rustic that they are beautiful. "Survival" and "Blessed" were hand painted on the sides of two boats in particular. They caught my eye. They summed up life for me while walking the beach. Life is all about Survival-- but how much do we really need in order to Survive vs. how much we think we need? Surviving in Lakeway, Texas is a whole different thing than surviving in a small fishing village. I am sure that the boat with Blessed on it is how the fisherman feels every time he is able to get up in the morning and go out on the bay and throw his nets out in order to survive.

Surviving in Lakeway, Texas is being able to afford the price at the gas station and feeling Blessed is not choking to death when you pay~~~~

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Lots of love to you all,
Lori Ann
L A Scott Photography
Photography Services
Lakeway, Austin, Texas

Sunday, February 17, 2008

So Austin....

Hi all! These birds are so Austin....loud and peculiar.
Grackles....they are called.
I have no idea why they are always looking up at the sky. Maybe they love the Texas sunshine...or they have spotted something the human eye cannot see....I find myself looking up when I see them looking upwhile running the loop at Townlake...the only thing I can see are those beautiful condiminiums that are also projecting upwards. I did a little research and last year at about this time there were many found dead downtown Austin. We all know that Austinites are treehuggers(I don't necessarily hug trees) but I have a very kind heart. I remember when it happened because there were also lots of dead pigeons near the foot bridge where I run~~~ I felt bad for those birds....awhile back a pigeon had flown into the side of the supports to one of the bridges I run under down at Townlake and it had broken it's was struggling in the water so a bike rider and I fished it out of the water and we helped it by putting it out of it's misery. Ok ... so give me a tree in trouble and I would probably hug it too...Anyhow, that is my photo of the week...sorry I missed last week:)
Love to all of you,Lori Ann

Friday, January 25, 2008

What a Catch!

Hi Everyone! These are two of the five fish I caught one evening in Castara Bay inTobego. We threw the fishing line out and held it with our bare hands until there was a nibble and then pulled them in by yanking the line hand over hand...of course as Murphy would have it my line would end up in a tangled mess on the bottom of the boat after each catch.(you should see me fly a kite and use a garden hose...same kind of tangling goes on) It was a blast though ! I was out on a sunset boat tripto take pictures and never did take any of the sunset. I was too involved in fishing.The previous day, in the same waters, I literally held a stingray(yes,it was right after Steve Irwin's untimely death)...there was a family of three in the water that swam with us. What a thrill! They wouldswim under you and you could see their eyes looking at you and stroke their backs. Snorkeling was wonderful too...I found an electric I did not hold it!Have a wonderful week everyone! Love, Lori Ann Scott
photography services
travel images

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rainforest Journey in Tobago

Hi Everyone!I hope all is well with everyone! Things here are hopping in thephoto world....This is image is of a man named "Levi" that I befriended in Tobago inJune. He was walking a very stubborn donkey up a steep hill. Westarted talking and he told me about his new business giving donkeyrides up into the rainforest in Tobago. Sounded very interesting to meso I said OK!(Come to find out I was his first customer)...The next day we were on our way~~ myself and a young couple fromPoland. I never laughed so much. The donkeys were kicking everythingin sight especially poor Levi. He had the matriach of the bunch andshe was literally feeling her oats. He was using her as a lead onfoot and she wailed on him with those hind legs and some good kicks.All the donkeys were ornery..mine included. She even went afterLevi's pet dog. The dog was merely relaxing soaking in the sun andthe donkey reached over and took a bite out of him!The woman from Poland kept ending up in the brush with one stubbornanimal under her...I was told by a few of the villagers that "Levi" was anherbalist...hmm interesting I thought...I will learn about the floraand fauna...a bonus.Well, we reached the top of the mountain and got off the donkeys andbefore I could turn around Levi was over yonder smoking one of thebiggest "joints" OR"doobies"...I guess that is the proper term becauseit looked like something Cheech and Chong would have enjoyed... Hishead was completely surrounded by smoke... Ichuckled...thinking....hmmm he sure is a herbalist.All in all it was a wonderful trip up the mountainside and anincredible experience. The vistas were breathtaking:)The next day there were helicopters flying over the rainforest and Iasked the Captain of the boat I was fishing on that day if they wereLife Flight helicopters...he said no...."They are looking for herbs!"I thought REEALLY?!A very herb conscious island indeed....

Monday, January 14, 2008

Training for Good Samaritan Ministry

Hey all!
This is a photograph of the Good Samaritan Ministry group that I will be photographing while in Northern Vietnam on medical mission in July of 2008. We met in California for an intense workshop to get us all trained in all aspects of the mission. It was a wonderful weekend of fellowship, worship and lots of learning. I am so excited and feel very fortunate to be their photographer. Photography at it's best...helping others. Please visit for more details and an excellent video. In a subsequent blog I will include a link to last years trip on video.
:)Lori Ann