Friday, October 31, 2008

Hi All! The beauty of being a photographer is hardly ever getting photographed myself! It gives me a certain amount of control....maybe passive aggressive ??? who knows. Anyhow, the attached photo was taken with me included with my camera but by somebody else. I recently discovered this photo while sorting through the entire lot of Vietnam photos...~~~2000 photos. This one resonates with me. I remember as a participant on this trip how I felt on the inside at times....on the inside looking out that is...but after looking at this photo I see from the outside looking in at myself and what was going on at the moment. The little guy in the photo was about my son's age and his parents were carrying him around on their backs because there were no means to have a wheelchair. I watched them carry him with so much love. He has cerebral palsy. I inquired and found out that I could sponsor a wheelchair and I did. His parents were so happy--the mom was tearful. We worked with a translator to in order to tell them about the wheelchair and that is when this photo was taken. I remember that instance of looking up at the translator while my eyes were welling with tears. I look at this photo now, all these months later, and the same tears come. Vietnam had a profound effect on me. I struggle a part of each day wishing I could do more. Lotsa love to all of you and HAPPY HALLOWEEN! LA:)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Bucket List !

Hi all!

How many of you out there actually have a bucket list! I do! I had one way before Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in "The Bucket List!" I started mine when I turned 40(that was just a little while ago--ya right like 7 years ago!) I include things I have already done and then add more that I want to do as I think of them! I am proud to say I have crossed off many of them.

Those include: a tattoo, started a business in photography services, sang in a recital 2 times and am about to do it again, trekked to Machu Picchu and took many photos, Trinidad/Tobago, Tuscany Italy, South Africa to Kruger National Park, took sculling lessons, took salsa lessons, went to Northern Vietnam on a medical mission , Ireland, China, South Vietnam, Belize Central America, ran a marathon in Arizona, bottom of the Grand Canyon on Mules, deep sea fishing in Mexico, and a helicopter ride inside a volcano in Hawaii.

Things I still want to do: sky dive, hot air balloon ride, play polo on horseback, sing with a band(just once), drive the entire length of route 66 in my 2005 Tunderbird, learn to fence with my son, and learn to tie flies and to fly fish. And, I want to raise a longhorn steer(hence the photo taken by me LA Scott Photography!

I think we all should have a bucket list. We only have one life to live and the bucket kicking thing is a reality! So let's take all the things that are filling up that bucket and dump them out---the bottles of beer, the couch potato arse, reality television and that gallon of ice cream! Let's empty it out and not worry about kicking it----just living it! Lori Ann Scott

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hi all! I am not going to be as long winded as last week.... I wanted to share some more of my work with you. As part of the medical mission I photographed .... if you click on this link you will see a banner of photos I took while in Vietnam for Good Samaritan's Ministry. I feel very fortunate to have been part of such an incredible mission. I hope to do more work in the mission field using my photography as a means of facilitating the need in the world~~ I am also attaching a picture from a wedding I photographed that was such a beautiful event! Congratulations Veronica and Billy! Love to all of you! Have a wonderful weekend! LA--