Sunday, February 17, 2008

So Austin....

Hi all! These birds are so Austin....loud and peculiar.
Grackles....they are called.
I have no idea why they are always looking up at the sky. Maybe they love the Texas sunshine...or they have spotted something the human eye cannot see....I find myself looking up when I see them looking upwhile running the loop at Townlake...the only thing I can see are those beautiful condiminiums that are also projecting upwards. I did a little research and last year at about this time there were many found dead downtown Austin. We all know that Austinites are treehuggers(I don't necessarily hug trees) but I have a very kind heart. I remember when it happened because there were also lots of dead pigeons near the foot bridge where I run~~~ I felt bad for those birds....awhile back a pigeon had flown into the side of the supports to one of the bridges I run under down at Townlake and it had broken it's was struggling in the water so a bike rider and I fished it out of the water and we helped it by putting it out of it's misery. Ok ... so give me a tree in trouble and I would probably hug it too...Anyhow, that is my photo of the week...sorry I missed last week:)
Love to all of you,Lori Ann

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